As your family grows so will the need for storage. With #StressFreeStorage you can free up space without the hassle.
#familylife #storage #youngfamily
You put a picture of your bambino on Facebook and Janice next door, and just about everyone else proclaims ‘I can’t believe how big he’s getting.’ Chill Janice, babies grow ya’ know.
Truth be told, all those baby grows and clothes you were given for your first arrival are great and all that – but babies grow fast and those matching shirt and trouser combos aren’t going to fit your toddler anymore. As your baby moves onto bigger toys and larger clothes, you’re left with just about everything that was valuable for a year, now clogging up every storage space in your home.
But here’s the dilemma – you don’t want to throw it all away because:
It’s sentimental. Years down the line you’ll no doubt kick yourself that you’ve thrown out Thomas’ first pair of shoes or baby grow.
You don’t want to bin it all because, actually, there’s a high chance you’ll expand your family, and you could do with reusing all those clothes and toys. Baby clothes aren’t cheap.
At the same time of not wanting to get rid, you realise that all the baby items in your home are taking up valuable space. The stress.
Introducing YouStock.
You may not have heard about us, but we think now is a good time to say hello.
We like to think we’re different to other storage companies on the market (the nice reviews on the internet don’t lie), and we don’t feed you a generic one-size-fits all solution. We realise people have different needs and requirements for their belongings, and that’s fine with us. Put your feet up and order us to collect your stuff the next day – at a time that works for you. It’s a stress-free storage solution in central London that works, whatever the storage problem.
So, when you’re fretting because you’re swamped with sentimental items, remember this: you don’t have to throw it all away. Drop us a line, and we’ll take care of the toys, clothes, bulky items until you need it again, or when a second bundle of joy arrives, or a bigger house with more space for storage.
Simple. Straightforward. Stress-free : YouStock